harrismw = the real Michael.

Will the real Michael, please stand up?

Hi ya, I'm Michael. If you are looking at this page, it maybe because you wanted to find me. Well, that's lucky! For many people, my old TUCS/IDS email was the only way they had to get in connect with me. Especially as I moved around the world. Later on, a work email may have been the way you did it. Anyway, I created this page, with a few keywords, to make it easier for you to find me. If I'm the real Michael, the one you've been looking for, get in touch! There are not that many people who would but who I wouldn't want to talk to.

<meta name="keywords" content="TUCS, IDS, University of Tasmania, Tasmanian University Computer Society, Internet Development Society, TUU, Tasmania University Union, harrismw, Michael W Harris, Michael Harris, Michael, Harris, Geneva, HURIDOCS, Human Rights Information and Documentation Systems, International, Versoix, harrismw@tucs.org.au,harrismw@ids.org.au,UTas Greens, UTG, Enviro Collective, UTas Environment Collective, University of Tasmania Environment Collective, University of Tasmania Greens, Hobart, Sandy Bay, Wagga Wagga, CSU, library, CSU library, Division of Library Services">

Now, while you contemplate that, maybe you want to know what I've been up to? Well, have a look around the rest of the website. I hardly have everything here, but I have enough.

Site & page info (footer)

Mostly handcrafted by Michael, this website was designed to standards, with the highest quality in mind, and in result. The code and content is freely available.

This page is located at http://next-nexus.info/real.php and was last modified on 2023-08-31.